So I was at this party being all stealth and lurking in the shadows going to get beer from the fridge. When this Geisha somehow noticed me. She somehow knew that I was going for a Suntory Premium Malt beer. In which she opened me a can and poured it into my glass. "Thanks" I said all ninja like. I then said, "Hey let's go on a date" and at first she said, "Nooooooooooooo" all girly like. I asked her again, and she said, "noooooooooooooooooooo." I then asked her again and she said, "ok." A girl always says yes after the third try. But that's how I got a date.
So I'm sure I'll be getting a lot of questions asking "How do I get a Japanese girlfriend?" Well, here is a little tutorial video to help you (be sure to watch all 4 videos):