Let's face it. I suck at blogging. Yes, it's true. Ok, now that I've come to admit it I'm now on the 12 step program to become a better blogger. I don't really know what those 12 steps are...but anyways. ..
I was going to buy a camera a while back and post sweet pics of all my awesome adventures, but my stinginess kicked in and it told me to not spend any money. Well, the good news is I was able to save a crap ton of money and even better news I will be getting a sweet camera soon. However, that means that I don't really have any pictures for this blog - poop.
So I think its been a good 4 months since my last post and I don't even know how to update you. I mean the week after Tokyo one of my students saw me on TV and called me kakkoii (cool) in which we both jumped in the air and high fived!
Then after that I went to Nagoya to visit my Japanese sister Fumiko! She lived with my family when she was in high school. Now shes married got a kid and is all grown up! Crazy. Im actually going back this weekend! I'm so excited. I'll probably drink with her husband and play crazy music while her daughter calls me prince. She calls me a prince because I took her blanket and wore it around the house as a cape.
After that I proceeded to teach and throw halloween parties for the kids. Then I did a flip and ate some mochi and then I gave my students high fives and played guitar. Then winter break came. My friend Richard came.
Richard missed his flight from America because he is a big plonker. So he missed the beginning part of our trip. We met in Tokyo where we ate very very fresh sushi - i think it may have still been alive. We danced all night, saw some sumo wrestlers, played pachinko(sucks!!!!), and played video games in Akihabara! Awesome!
We then went to an ancient temple in Numazu (near mt. fuji) where a crazy monk took care of us and some friends. We proceeded to bring in the new year in a very traditional way. I was the first to ring the gong for the new year!!! We then served the ceremonial sake to everyone and ate mochi! Then Richard left. He missed his bus to the airport. I think he made it back...I don't know it was a week ago and I haven't heard from him...
But all and all my life is awesome and I couldn't be happier. I mean besides the fact that my house is an icecube and when I wake up I can't feel my face. Sometimes I think I should just move into one of the broken down cars outside and burn trash to stay warm (which would be easier then throwing it away the proper way - damn trash system!).
Aight - I'll try and do a better job of keeping up to date with this thing.