Hey! So I've decided to enter into the cyberworld where all mysteries are revealed and I can talk about anything. But for real I'm starting a blog so I can keep people updated about my life in Japan without having to send out a bajillion emails and such. But for real for real- I'm going to try and keep all of my anecdotes short and hilarious. Lets face it. You don't want to read a lot, I don't want to write a lot so I will supplement everything with pictures, song, and dance. If you really want to get in depth details of the happenings feel free to email me, but for the most part this blog is about me trying to write things that at least make me laugh.
I guess just to update everyone who hasn't been stalking me. I'm moving to Japan to teach English in a sweet town called Komagane. It's in the Nagano prefecture where the winter olympics were held a few years ago. Now you're probably thinking, "WOAH! You are going to be in a beautiful mountain town with some awesome skiing all around you! And on top of that you get to work at a great school with great teachers and kids! I'm so jealous. I want to punch myself in the stomach!" Well, you probably should punch yourself in the stomach because my life is awesome.
But before my awesome life begins I am in the process of living out all of my wildest dreams in Indiana. For instance, I've almost watched all of the seasons of the office, I've watched a lot of corn and soy grow, and made a rap song to the melody of Sesame Street.
I leave for Nashville on the 30th for a pre-departure orientation and then fly out the 1st to Narita where I'll spend a couple days in Tokyo learning about life in Japan. And then finally I'll be heading to my town where I'll be able to be an American cultural ambassador and English teacher. So in the words of the most famous Tobias Funke - LET THE GREAT EXPERIMENT BEGIN!!!!!!
One Love,